Monday, 29 April 2013

Healthy Fruit Cake Recipe!

Copyright Madeleine Wheal 2013
I created this recipe for my daughter as we wanted to raise her (for the first two years of her life at least) wheat-free, sugar-free and purely organic. It's actually pretty tasty!! Especially with a bit of butter :) This is a great cake to make and freeze in thick slices ready to take out for your baby to nibble on when out and about. Beware though it can be pretty crumbly!

Suitable for when your child is ready and well established with finger foods. I have used organic ingredients when making this cake however that choice is up to you and it won't alter the taste should you choose otherwise. 

   approx 250g Wholegrain Spelt Flour (an ancient unprocessed form of wheat ... easier to digest)
   100g Butter (un-salted)
   2 tbsp Maple Syrup (much more nutritious than sugar) 
   100g Fruit Puree (I used ready-made organic apple and apricot)
   1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda
   400g Dried Fruit (I used apricots and raisins)
   Spices to taste- Cinnamon and Ginger 

   Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
   Add the butter, dried fruit, maple syrup, fruit puree and two cups of water to a large pan
   Bring the mixture to boiling point then let it simmer for about 20 minutes until the fruit has re-hydrated
   Add the half teaspoon of Bicarbonate of Soda and the after mixing thoroughly take off the heat. Allow the mixture to cool slightly before slowly adding the flour. You want the mixture to be firm whilst still easily dropping off the spoon. I do this by gently adding flour until it reaches the right consistency however it is approximately 250g
   Pour the mixture into a lined baking tin or ceramic dish and cook at 180 degrees for approximately 45 minutes or until a knife comes out clean from the centre.

...ahhh and that concludes my first blog post on "Our Fairytale Homeschool"'s going to be an amazing journey! Let me know if you try out the recipe!

x Maddy x


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